Fig Tree Pocket Equestrian Club is able to service three Olympic disciplines due to the work of volunteers. Volunteering is a fantastic way to learn more about a sport, develop new skills, make new friends and be part of your local equestrian community.
Register: while not a requirement, it is easier to view all your volunteering activities if you create an account with Signup.com
Find: explore both event and non-event/general volunteering opportunities further below. Sign up to your preferred tasks.
Bond reconciliation: hours are reconciled and reported twice per year for bond returns. The mid-year cut off is 15 July for a mid-year refund and the end of year cut off is 15 November for an end of year refund. Ensure you have completed at least 10 hours of volunteering for individual members and at least 20 hours for family memberships by these dates to receive a refund. Both event and non-event (eg grounds maintenance) volunteering contributes to your total required hours.
For help on how to use Signup.com - visit our YouTube Channel to see ‘how to’ videos.
Closer to events, the Organising Committee will update the below sign up sheets with tasks that need to be completed.
Interested in helping but not at specific events? With 40 acres of premier facilities, there are always plenty of jobs to do! Sign up below.
Ensure you are compliant with your agistment agreement by completing your 16 hours of volunteering per quarter. Access to sign up sheets below.